Magic Mug

By: Muhammad Shutalim

Almost everyone who reads this post knows what mug is. According to wikipedia A mug is a sturdily built type of cup often used for drinking hot beverages, such as coffee, tea or hot chocolate.  but do you realize that some of mugs can do a little magic. Hahaha maybe only mug made in Hongkong can do that. Yeah but, seriously there are unique mug which are able to change its cover. For making it clear let’s see this picture bellow
This mug changes its cover when someone pours water into it. When it is empty the cover will show OFF word but when you pour the hot water or hot coffee, it’s gonna show you ON word. It is unique one, isn’t it?. Besides “turn on off mug”, still there is rare mug picture like this one (look the picture below). I am sure that person who made it is some kind of person who cares about environment. Why? You can tell by looking this mug. It will show you the effect of global warming when you pour into it hot water. He he

btw how come that picture change?. Actually some of materials for making mug are using Thermochroism. Thermochromism is the property of substances to change color due to a change in temperature.
You know buddies that first mug is made by using skeleton (annehira). Arkeolog believe that mug has been made firstly at stone age. But when I was searching on Wikipedia, it explains that mug has been made in china between 6,500 and 3000 BCE using potter's wheel.
That all my post for now, sorry if it is not really interesting but I hope you like it as good information thanks  buddy n_n.


The Advantages I got by Using Facebook

By: Muhammad Shutalim

ASEC Member and Programme Volunteer

A lot of people now are becoming  more open than they were. Without we ask what they think , we can understand just by watching their status on Facebook. Some people feel  it could help them to socialize with the others. On the other side, people who have background in economic field maybe think Facebook as great marketing media hehehe that explains why MANY BLACKBARY and LAPTOP advertisement appearing abnormally on your wall . it’s just my assumption ho ho (n_n). So actually what is my point in this article?. In this occasion I just wanna share my point of view about the benefit of Facebook for student based on my own experience.
When talking about the benefits of Facebook it depends on who uses it and his background and interest or passion actually. For me as student having interest in some activities like foreign language club, it helps me a lot for finding everybody having same interest. I’ve big chance to talk directly by using Facebook facilities like chat and message than I should look for using other else program or media except SKYPE and TWITTER hahaha.

Facebook  sometimes has function as educational media just for example In my class, we often share information about the task given by lecturer so we are able to arrange that information as our wish.

Do you ever try to search information about scholarship on website or blog? On Facebook we are also able to find it, just join in special Facebook account for scholarship we want. This account makes the scholar hunter easier to find a chance in getting higher education access in easiest ways. Moreover, Facebook  seems able to strengthen communication between student and teacher or lecturer. In many cases, before Facebook appears, student should meet his lecturer in their office just for asking material that he doesn’t know. Yet, now student can ask the lecture every time and everywhere as long as both of them having and using Facebook.  Even many youth – based organizations easily hold some agenda in large scale to help student increasing their abilities and exploring their potential just by inviting them with using Facebook facilities.

So, based on my little experience by using Facebook I can assume that it helps  me more that what I ever think. That”s my story how about you? 
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Terhubung Melalui Tulisan #1

Kebanyakan dari kawan kawan berpikir bahwa menulis postingan yang bagus ialah dengan menuliskan isi tulisan yang hebat dengan berbagai hal terkait Inspirasi dan Nilai yang berguna bagi para pembaca. namun apakah sahabat tahu bahwa hal tersebut ialah sebagian kecil dari apa yang diinginkan oleh para pembaca kita?

Menurut situs ( yang membuat orang tertarik untuk membaca postingan artikel kita ialah lebih dari sebuah konten yang bernilai tapi juga memiliki unsur cerita, seni, sense tentang visi kedepan, dan bila dimungkinkan bisa menyentuh imajinasi para pembaca. 

Tujuan seorang blogger adalah untuk mengubah postingan artikle dari sebuah konten informatif, menjadi sebuah karya seni yang memikat para pembaca, yang akan mebuat pembaca kita menshare tulisan tersebut keteman teman mereka. 

Dalam kesempatan kali ini, saya mencoba menjabarkan tips tips bagaimana menciptakan sebuah hubungan dalam tulisan. 

Tips #1 “blogging adalah membangun hubungan”

Ketika Kita membuat blog, tujuan kita ialah tidak hanya berfokus pada menulis konten yang hebat, meskipun itu sangat penting, lebih dari sekedar itu, kita juga perlu memperhatikan cara berkomunikasi dalam sebuah tulisan. Semakin humanis maka semakin baik untuk membangun kepercayaan, kesetiaan, serta mengikuti siapa yang benar-benar ingin berbagi visi, Kesukaan, dan impian kita.

Para pembaca tidak hanya mencari konten, mereka juga sedang mencari hubungan.. terutama akhir akhir ini, di mana begitu banyak konten yang kita lihat terasa begitu impersonal tidak menyatu dengan hati para pembacanya. saya berharap postingan saya kali ini biasa membangun hubungan yang baik bagi sesame blogger hehehe ^^ peace

Segala sesuatu dalam hidup kita adalah tentang hubungan, sehingga bukankah akan lebih masuk akal jika kita berusaha menciptakan hubungan emosi dan metelakkanya pada setiap tulisan kita?

Sebagai manusia, kita mencari tujuan, makna, dan motif di balik banyak hal, kita ingin tahu backstory, dan kita sebagai manusia, mendambakan perasaan keterkaitan dengan manusia lain yang memiliki minat yang sama dengan kita.

Manusia ingin tertawa, menangis, menciptakan kenangan, dan pengalaman untuk di ingat dalam sisa hidup.

Kita belajar, tumbuh, dan merasa terhubung dengan gambaran yang lebih besar dengan berbagi pengalaman kita pada orang lain, serta belajar dari orang lain.

Ketika kita merasa benar-benar terhubung dengan seseorang, ada sesuatu yang jauh lebih dalam dari sekedar membaca sebuah tulisan, yaitu untuk merasa lebih terikat secara, emosional, dan perasaan mendalam terhadap orang lain.

Tips #2 “Menginspirasi Lain Dengan Visi Anda” SEGERA MENYUSUL KAWAN
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