Friendship or Relationship ?

By: Muhammad Shutalim
Who is person in this world doesn’t need friend ? animal, plant, even in sky and earth need friend. Human who is born as social human, certainly needs a friend in his life. Truly, what is definition of  friend relationship?  There are many definitions of friend relationship itself, it depends on person who defines it.
There is person who defines it in positive view but there is person who defines it in bad view, for example a person explaining relation in bad definition, he says that what is called friend relation is just a relation which is able to give a benefit for each other, friend is available if he can make his friend happy but if he can’t give anything or something useful for his friend, so he is not able to be called friend. (Hi hi sadist….(x_x). And also there is example of good definition about friend relationship, such as what is called friend is person who is always available in whenever, whatever and wherever friend condition and situation, friend is going to help his friend without thinking about status, face, money and other.. the type of friend like that is usually called as best friend “ (hoho sok sweet).
There are 3 kinds of friend relationship.
The first kind of friend relationship: in this relation what is called friend is just knowing each other, they don’t care if there is something between one friend to another friend else, probably when they meet in the middle of road, they just give a smile for formality. It is because the principle in this type what is called friend is not more than usual person knowing each other.
Second, kind of friend relationship: in this relation what is called friend is more than usual person knowing each other. They have strong relation each other so whenever one friend has a problem the other friend will be there for helping. They never mind to share whatever they have, when they are sad or happy they will be together to solve the problem. (sok sweet part 2). The principle in this friend type, what is called friend is more than everything, they be a friend are not because money, status or something like that but it is because the pure feeling which is belonged to each other person.

           And finally the third from the kinds of friend is  a VERY CLOSE FRIEND (teman tapi mesra). The principle in this relation is honestly I can’t define this type because it’s so complicated, sometimes it is able to be called friend but it’s too romantic, sometimes it can be called girlfriend but they don’t say “Honey, Sayang, or something like that” probably every person has different definition about this relation.

3 komentar:


That's impressive, Yuta. Your writing is better and better. Still watch out the grammar, please.. ^^
Anyway, how do you know those three kinds of relationship?
I am anonymous, but I'm sure you know who am I.


thank you miss... hehe iam still learning and studying so please tell me when you see and find the wrong structure in my article...about the kinds of friend is just the result from my observation in my near environment...hehe thank you so much...


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